Posts Tagged “rant”
Posts where I complain about something
Converting a JavaScript array of strings to numbers, and the problem with ``
15 March 2021
JavaScript has a very weird type system with how strings can sometimes
be converted to numbers. It’s a very cool feature but can cause a lot of
pain because adding 1 doesn’t always do what you think it should due to
type-juggling. So you might think there’s an easy and relatively
foot-gun free to convert an array of strings to numbers. You would be
wrong, well maybe not at least if you don’t use the functional language
stuff in JavaScript or just do an in-place update or your array, but
that’s besides the point.
Fountain Pens
22 February 2018
Fountain pens are one of the most amazing things on the planet, and in
my personal opinion they are the best writing instrument ever.
WTF, Steam?
28 October 2017
Steam is so bloated. It seems like every single time I fire it up I have
to download a new update, and these updates are not small or reasonable
to download on a terrible DSL connection. I come home from college like
every two weeks and I just want to play a few games before I have to go
back, is that too much to ask? I don’t get how these platforms have
bloated so much. I haven’t played games for so long, and I bought new
ones, and just when I want to play with them I have to download a big
old 200MB update. This is totally unacceptable.
A Complaint About Modern TVs
22 July 2016
I recently bought my first TV and I have to say that the audio quality on
them just does not live up to some of the older TVs my family has had. The
old TVs had such dynamic range to them, and the audio didn’t sound tinny.
On my TV, all the audio seems to lack feeling to it. It’s just pathetic. How
the mighty have fallen, in order to sell us more junk like sound bars and
stuff. Just a few years ago TVs actually sounded alright without a sound
bar, and now you kind of need to buy one to make it sound correct. It is
sad, this death of quality. Such a shame.
Idiot Engineering #2 - Star Trek: The Next Generation
08 August 2015
Idiot Engineering is exceptionally visible in the ships of Star Trek. This
article will focus on Star Trek: The Next Generation, because each of
the series has more than enough engineering failures for one of these
articles. From the many console explosions to frequent warp core breaches,
the engineers of the Enterprise-D made many failures in design and the
writing of emergency procedures. The designers of the Enterprise made many
serious engineering flaws, and this article will investigate those errors
in design.
Review of the Pixels Movie
29 July 2015
I recently went to see Pixels, and I thought it was rather good. Even
though it had an absurd premise. There is a possibility of spoilers
below, so read on with caution if you care about that.
Indominus Rex for President
09 July 2015
The Indominus rex is the ultimate president. He is smart. He is willing to
go to any lengths to survive. He will eat the terrorists, and make them
sorry they ever existed. He will eat the stupid pundits. Therefore
Indominus rex for president. Hey, he’s the lesser of 2 evils. This year
vote for the wolf instead of the wolf in sheep’s clothes. Vote for
Indominus rex for president in 2016.
Idiot Engineering #1 - Jurassic World
28 June 2015
I just decided to start a series about idiotic engineering in movies. The
first movie I’m going to do is Jurassic World. Which is an
awesome movie, however it is full of idiot engineering. So fair warning
there will be spoilers below, so if you haven’t seen it stop reading
now, or keep reading for a detailed examination of the engineering
failures in Jurassic World, and how they could have been prevented.