I went to AWS Reinvent this year, and I wanted my registered events to
show up on my personal calendar. I’m honestly surprised they didn’t
implement an iCal export for your registered events. So I took these
steps to get them.
I previously posted a lottery data visualization in which I
attempted to correlate how often a certain number came up in the PA
lottery given that some other number came up. I built the visualization
using Python, SQLite, and Chart.JS on the front end. Since, I like sql
I’ll about the queries and methods used. These methods could probably
be massively improved, but I did it in a couple of hours, because I was
document.querySelectorAll is one of the most handy tools in JavaScript
today. It’s a unified selector interface and brings so much power to the
end user. It’s applications are near endless, like replacing JQuery or
web scraping. It allows you to query the
current document using a css selector, and returns a NodeList.
It unifies the selection interface in the web today.