Ender’s Game, Revisited Thoughts and Issues
08 May 2024
I used to think that “Ender’s Game” was one of the deepest novels and series
I’ve ever read. I’ve since reconsidered my opinion on this significantly. I’ve
since decided its quite dumb and overplayed. The characterization of the
children is too much. There’s an obsession with hyper intelligent children that
isn’t realistic or believable in this day and age. I’ve revised this opinion
because I’ve been listening to the audio drama version of it with “Ender’s Game
Alive,” it a great audio production with an extremely high production values
with a full cast and excellent voice actors. It’s been really nice to revisit
this novel and revise my opinions on this novel. Also all spoilers are unmarked
and may include details in the other novels. This is not quite a book review,
its more a rant about organizations and how to build a stable system.
My New Picnic Bench is Better Than Any Other Outdoor Furniture
06 June 2022
I bought a picnic bench to really enjoy the outside this summer. Over
the last weekend, I picked up an unfinished wooden one from Lowe’s, and
finished it myself. I got it for several reasons, and wanted to show
it’s empirically better than any other patio furniture. I also just
want to show off how good it looks in the yard.
TIL my site is a JAMStack site.
10 September 2021
Today I learned that my site which has been basically the same since
2016 is a JAMStack site. Although it was coined in 2015 by
Netlify, it seems to have become really popular in the past 2 years as a
term. I’m told it’s more of a theoretical framework than anything else.
JAMStack stands for JavaScript, APIs, and Markup.