I’ve been using the SQLite shell a lot lately to slice and dice data is
slightly too large for excel. It’s a very powerful tool to get SQL on the
command line without spinning up a large Postres server, and supports most of the SQL standard with syntax similar to Postgres. It’s super fast and supports
loading CSV. I want to talk about some quality of life features in it that you
probably don’t know about.
I really want to lose some weight this month, but nutrition is hard,
and it can’t run on instinct. So I made a spreadsheet to calculate
calories and macros. I’m not a dietician or a nutritionist so my diet
numbers should definitely not be trusted. I just followed examples and
combined them to build my diet. What can be trusted is how I loaded the
information from official government sources, and how I did my research.
I’ve been studying for my developer associate certification on Amazon
Web Services. I’ve been practicing with the various streaming solutions
like SQS and Kinesis lately. I’ve wanted to branch into using DynamoDB
and capturing changes. To do that I needed to generate a lot of take
I actually created a sqlite database to track exactly how long I worked at
various jobs. I created this database, because I don’t trust the payroll
system we use at work. I will share the schema and views in this post. If
you don’t want to read through this post you can get it here.