Batman Dialer Part 2 - Hardware Testing
2024 September 12

Lets continue on with my batman dialer project. The entire goal here is to hide a secret control panel in some kind of statue. What that control panel does is completely up in the air. So here’s my current progress. I have gotten the analog rotary dialer working. I have also gotten sound working using the MAX98357A breakout board.

The Dialer

For getting the analog dialer to work I went with a simple 3 resister plan on my breadboard. I used the resisters since I was missing jumpers to connect the switch wires to my breadboard and they were the first handy thing I found to solder on.

An analog dialer works by connecting a switch so many times together. There’s up to 8 to 10 pulses per second with the dialer. However it seems that we need to debounce it. Mine also seems to return 4 pulses per digit. I’m betting the handset itself included something to cut down on the number of pulses and my dial is missing that part. I can’t find anything about why my dialer would have more pulses than usual but I’m going with the emperical measurements.

I hooked it up like a standard switch to my device. I had to use GPIO 15 because I used countio and some pwm magic to actually count the pulses.

CountIO allows me to count rising or falling edges.

import countio
import board

# Count rising edges only.
pin_counter = countio.Counter(board.GP15, edge=countio.Edge.FALL)
# Reset the count after 100 counts.
last_value = 0
time_last_number_added = time.monotonic_ns()
last_increment = 0

def dialer_check():
    global last_value, time_last_number_added, last_increment
    count = pin_counter.count

    # It has been incremented
    if count > last_value:
        last_increment = time.monotonic_ns()
        print("Count incr", count, "Last Increment: ", last_increment / 1e9, last_value)
    # Always update
    last_value = count

    # We will wait for up to half a second to see if the count is stable
    delta_t = time.monotonic_ns() - last_increment
    if delta_t > LAST_INCREMENT_THRESHOLD and count != 0:
        print("Count: ", count, delta_t / 1e9)

        excess = count % 4
        actual_number = count // 4

        print("Conforming ", actual_number, " Excess: ", excess)

        return actual_number
    return None

I decided to have my dialer check return a number or nothing instead of being responsible for anything else.

Because I soldered on resisters to use as pins to the terminals I’ve been experiencing issues with actually getting a good secure read. I ordered some terminal blocks to replace the existing solution and plan on updating it with them.

Anyways enough about that. The extra parts I need should arrive next week from eBay.

Audio Setup

I’m using the MAX98357A amp to make sound. It communicates over the I2S protocol. I followed the tutorial here. I’m using the included synthio library to generate useful sounds. It’s nothing beyond basics at the moment, but I definitely find it very interesting how it actually works.

import audbusio
import synthio

# Create the output
audio = audiobusio.I2SOut(board.GP0, board.GP1, board.GP2)

# Create the synth instance
synth = synthio.Synthesizer(channel_count=1, sample_rate=22050)

# Play the audio output.

I certainly find it weird that I can pick and choose when sounds are sent and they are played continiously. I find it useful that it’s nonblocking, but it would be nice to have non-blocking operations when making network requests. I haven’t quite figured that out yet.


In the video below you can see the current result of where I’m at.

The next step is working on building the actual statue itself.

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Written by Henry J Schmale on 2024 September 12
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